What if you take the measles virus, weaken it and infect people with that?
OMG, that’s an awesome idea! Someone should try that!
That’s a stupid idea. God created this virus as a test of our own faith. You can’t weaken it. (someone around me might say)
But how would you infect people?
You could inject it into people? I don’t think that’s ever been done before
Hmm, I dunno, that sounds like something a drugged up hippie might do with their marijuanas.
But wait… what if we dissolve it into liquid and put it in a syringe?
and do it like a heroin user would.
Okay, that’s way too extreme. That’s how you get herpes.
through a metal syringe type instrument into the muscle.
To illustrate how fucking insane this is:
Measles has a death rate of 1-2 per 1000 cases. With US population at 340,000,000, that means 340,000 - 680,000 dead. And that’s out of the 85 million people hospitalized, which would be a society destroying situation.
Not only that but measles can cause immune amnesia! Which is when “the immune system forgets how to fight off infections it successfully dealt with before—and [research] showed that this effect lasts for years!”
I did not know that and thinking of that stuff like this is possible is fucking scary.
not only forgets, but the measles infects the dendritic cells which presents antigens to T-cells(i thought it was b-cells) which fights the viruses, so its actually immunosuppression.
Measles has a death rate of 1-2 per 1000 cases
Oh, its much worse. That’s the death rate for people who get treated, in a vaccinated population in a modern hospital. In low-income countries (or in, say, places with 85 million hospitalizations) over 20 out of a thousand people die. And in displaced refugee children, it can rocket up to 3 out of every 10 infected children dying.
Yeah but those statistics are before we discovered horse paste
And that’s just death, measles also creates life long conditions, some that appear years or decades after. For example the way he speaks, his disease is linked to childhood measles ironically.
Also another bad thing about makes is that it can reset your immune system, so now other diseases that you didn’t have to be afraid before now can be deadly.
Yes, but how many are saved from autism and brain worms?
Depends. How much road kill do they eat?
lmao, imagining RFK scooping up some roadkill, preparing it and having a bbq all in pleasure at the top and causal Friday at the bottom with his cute blue jeans, is hilarious and idiotic at the same time.
They do try to destroy the country in every possible way. At this point they just want to make sure it’s really dead.
Won’t someone think of the health insurance providers…
deleted by creator
More or less than taxifs and SS on Ice?
“It used to be, when I were a kid, that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” he said, then taking a swipe at the vaccine. “The vaccine doesn’t do that. The vaccine is effective for some people for life, but for many people it wanes.”
“Some”=97%, “Many”=3%
And you know what the vaccine also doesn’t do? Kill you!I love how they say shit like “it wanes” as though that’s a reason to not get it. Like, just get a fucking booster and you’re good.
For real, I thought he was going to name something of actual consequence even if it wasn’t true like, “it makes your head explode.” But, “it wanes”??? Uh ok, it wanes so some people might get measles anyway. Isn’t that just problem solved then since you think infection is good? Completely nonsensical.
MTG pulled this stupid shit promoting “measles parties”. For the younger folks, let me explain.
Parents used to deliberately infect their kids with chicken pox. No big deal for litte 'uns, big deal when you’re older. (Got it at 16, still have the scars 40-years later. And yes, I’m up on my shingles vaccine.)
These people are so dumb they’re conflating chicken pox and measles. Fuck me, I’m just now learning about measles because that shit was gone when I was a child. It was like polio or smallpox, unheard of.
Rest of the world should ban Americans from coming in. Who knows what kinds of diseases they might be carrying.
My local blood bank already wanted to know about any possible contact I might have had with Americans.
I remember when we weren’t a developing country
underdeveloped country.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce the United States Secretary of Health!
Can the US rename the position to Secretary of Death? It sounds much cooler and is more fitting.
He doesn’t deserve “cooler.” How about the Secretary of Infection?
Why stop at one, give him all the names like: insecurities, delusions, irresponsibility etc.
I prefer Secretary Brainworm. It’s the only way I’ll refer to him now.
Pure meritocracy, I tells ya
Ah, measles. Nature’s Ultimate Antivaxxer.
Oh wow, didn’t know that. Where’s this text from?
Immune by Philipp Dettmer of Kurzgesat. Highly recommended reading…and watching.
The worm is driving
I really hate that this motherfucker gets government-funded health care now, because every nasty-ass virus he gets is not only going to be well-treated, but actively buried.
I’m sure he had bonkers good healthcare before anyway. His name is Robert Fucking Kennedy Jr…
Okay brainworm, go intentionally get the measles and let us watch you for the next 6 months so we see how safe it is.
Unfortunately, he’s almost certainly vaccinated against measles, because his parents were sane people
he made sure the children of SAMOA got measles, and about 86+ died from it, when he convinced the govt to stop vaccinations.
No, what would be better is if that guy got a bad case of my backhand across his mouth every time he opens it.
It would be better if this guy fucks off.
A recent episode of The House of Pod podcast included a virologist and an ER doctor (the host is a gastroenterologist) and they talked about measles and the potential lifelong effects that a non-fatal case can cause, like blindness or deafness. They also contrast with the efficacy of the vaccine, the virologist got checked before going to SE Asia and despite her last MMR dose being in the 90s she had enough antibodies that her doctor said she didn’t need a booster. She went on to talk about how while measles has mutated it has not changed to bypass immunity.
one of the fun things virus love to do is give people meningitis, and encephalitis, its more common then people think. chickenpox(and also shingles),mumps,rubella all can do this too.
Guys, if you live in Magastan, talk to your doctors, ask them to give you any shot they can of anything that needs a booster over time (or that you miss) and do it ASAP. If a new pandemic from a new virus comes, you’ll be fucked, but at least you won’t be if what you suffer is an epidemic of a fucking preventable disease.
Already did! They can’t ban my blood from helping others now, can they!
To be fair, he didn’t say it’d be better for the humans
Well, less humans would be good for humankind as well as the rest of the planet. But I think this is one of those “not like that” situations.
God I can’t wait for this season of South Park