I once drank soylent before going partying, and I didn’t have to use the bathroom at all.
That was really good because taking off my outfit to use the bathroom sucks.
Building upon that, if I just kept drinking soylent, I could party non-stop without bathroom breaks.
So how many days can my digestive system, and body, handle being on a soylent only diet?
Will my guts atrophy?
Well don’t leave us hanging
ohh, after the pandemic kicked off I stopped doing Soylent (on which i developed high blood pressure, heh), and started a ketogenic protocol. Since then I’ve moved over to a zero carbohydrate protocol (carnivore).
Carnivore is a super-clean version of keto, very easy to follow, hard to make mistakes on, I’ve seen great results. I poop about once every two days - and its never urgent, I never fart. If your trying to minimize pooping you can’t do much better.
I moderate [email protected] and [email protected].
Here are my biomarkers after 6 months of carnivore: https://hackertalks.com/post/6749910