I figure a few of of us are trying CBC Gem, might help if we shared knowledge and recommendations!
22 Minutes
100 times this!
I’ll start the ball rolling:
The instant classics, Schitt’s Creek and Kim’s Convenience are there. Both are heartwarming, joyful family comedies. Blackberry is a great little movie about the Blackberry phone with Glenn Howerton (Dennis from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia) and Jay Baruchel (Man Seeking Woman, basically that nerdy looking dude you’ll recognize instantly.)
Ones I haven’t seen but have heard really good things about (and are thus on my list):
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Reservation Dogs, Penny Dreadful, Britannia, Masters of Sex, Pen15
Haven’t heard much but Natasha Lyonne is usually awesome, so Poker Face is on my list.
Kim’s Convenience is such a good show! It toes the line perfectly between being an authentic representation of the struggles immigrant families can face while still being mostly lighthearted and fun.
Reservation Dogs is on there? That’s one of my favourite shows in recent years, highly recommend.
Upvote for BlackBerry. I really enjoyed that film!
Reservation Dogs was easily the best thing I watched last year
I’ve heard such good things, it’s top of my list. I might try and start a watching group on here or something. Think like a book club with an episode a week or something.
Kim’s convenience and schitts creek
I’m enjoying Kim’s Convenience and North of North. Also looking forward to the next season of Short Film Face-off and The Great Canadian Potery Throw-down
North of North is a cute lighthearted show I’d recommend.
A good tool to find what’s well rated or popular is just watch
Great suggestion, thanks!
I’m really enjoying Son of a Critch. It’s a coming of age / family comedy. It’s a really cute show.
I love it! No new episode last night though, fu** the CBC
We love Schitt’s creek
Lana Longbeard is great if you are looking for an Adventure Time-esque cartoon
If you like absurdist comedy (and you don’t cringe at millennial comedy) you should check out Baroness von Sketch Show. It’s not for everyone though; my wife’s mom said she “didn’t get it,” which is totally understandable.
We’re at the cottage!!!
Boom, boom, boom in the chiiiips!
I wish there was a Canadian option for watching old school Trailer Park Boys, but I think Netflix has the monopoly on that right now.
Just pirate it for the time being.
Oh wow I could’ve sworn it was on crave but I don’t see it anymore.
Tall Boyz: absurdist sketch comedy somewhat evocative of Kids in the Halls (which makes sense Bruce McCulloch was executive producer). Or hell just watch old Kids in the Hall.
Haven’t gotten around to seeing it myself but I’ve heard North of North is pretty good. It’s a sitcom set in Nunavut
Das Boot is also really good. A very raw and suspenseful Second World War drama set both in occupied France and inside a German submarine. There’s also no “pretend this guy isn’t speaking english” thing which is pretty cool. The actors actually speak German when their characters speak German, French when they speak French, etc. So most of the show is subtitled.
Thanks for the Tall Boyz recommendation, I’ll be checking that out.
…sigh…I miss Picnicface… need more Canadian sketch comedy in my life in general.
And no one recommended Murdoch Mysteries yet???
RIP Constable Johnstable
My mom is a huge fan of Still Standing - the stand-up comedy guy, not the sitcom.
I like documentaries, so I’d like to recommend Canada: A People’s History and Stuff the British Stole.