More Swedes want to switch currency from the krona to the Euro, with support the highest it’s been since 2009, according to a survey by Gothenburg University’s SOM Institute.
More Swedes want to switch currency from the krona to the Euro, with support the highest it’s been since 2009, according to a survey by Gothenburg University’s SOM Institute.
The problem with printing money to keep deflation in check is only a problem, if the central bank does not care about it. So in the case of Sweden joing the Euro, the ECB absolutly print of destroy money to keep inflation in check. If anything the larger region the currency is used in is going to create more stability.
If a government wants to sell assets to its friends, then it can do so. No need for an economic crisis, austerity or the like. Since you mentioned Canada, Canadian National Railway was privatized in 1995, the years before that the economy grew somewhat well.
You’re twice addressing whether something is a problem by saying it’s only a problem if someone fucks up. Meanwhile I’m not discussing that because it’s not interesting. Yes problems can occur when people do the wrong thing. And people can and will do the wrong thing. They’ll also do the right thing. I’m discussing the availability of a tool under domestic disposal and what its implications are.
Similarly, I’m not discussing the obvious case of a government’s ability of selling to its friends, it’s not interesting. I’m discussing the case where the public and its government don’t want to do that but are ideologically committed to balancing budgets without creating new money. Canada was in recession in the early 1980s and the early 1990s. Irrespective of that, the Canadian governments that spanned the 1983-2003 period ran on balancing the budget and austerity+privatization to achieve it and they were not considered friends-selling governments. You can read about the economic policies at the time.