“Oscar phobic” doesn’t mean the movie is bad, more that it’s the opposite of Oscar bait.
The kind of movies that the Academy will just never recognize for acting awards - often these can be in the action, comedy, horror and sci-fi genres with a few notable exceptions.
A somewhat recent one my friends often bring up is Toni Collette’s performance in Hereditary (2018)
Absolutely. My pick also
Prior to 2019, any film where the actor committed the cardinal sin of not speaking English.
Absolutely, Society of the Snow certainly deserved at least one award.
Daniel Radcliffe in the Weird Al movie. Everyone in Possessor.
Mia Goth in Peral.
I had never heard of her before Pearl, and she fucking blew me away. I’ve been underwhelmed with her choice of roles since then, but she’s earned my respect.
IMO “The Death of Stalin” is a very good example of that. All of the actors are on the top of their game, but it’s a black, political comedy taking place in the Soviet Union, so exactly the opposite of what the Academy would even consider for an Oscar. In my personal view Simon Russell Beale as Beria is particular noteworthy: He is terrific, ie. absolutely terrifying in the role and I can’t imagine an actor playing the mass-murdering, pedophilic head of the KGB getting an Oscar (he got a BAFTA at least).
Superhero movies, granted there aren’t a lot with “oscar-worthy” performances. Heath Ledger’s win was pushed by his unfortunate death IMO. If that didn’t happen, I don’t think he would’ve won, much less nominated. Having said that, I can’t think of any other performance off the top of my head right now lol. Does Split fall under the superhero category?
Divergent is a terrible series that Shailene Woodeley absolutely acts her socks off in
It’s bittersweet she said no to returning for a 4th. She saw it was going to be a turd and knew her career was moving up, and would only be hurt by it. Kudos to her for seeing that. Shame on the studio for wanting it to be a turd
I blame the producers. if they’d just done one film per book all would have been fine