Lol nothing says we are afraid of the working class like banning subreddits on suppressed news they don’t want us to see. I came here bc I got a warning on my account for liking a comment that said “Luigi”. My alt account got banned for sharing the DOGE email list that is public info. Fuck Reddit. I’m done.
Yep, I got a frikking lifetime IP ban a few months back for saying “Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell” in r/politics - apparently some fanboy decided that was “inciting violence”. Fuck Reddit, happy to be part of Lemmy.
got banned for telling a trump supporter to go fuck himself after he joked about the 51st state among other things, im canadian. also i upvoted luigi content and got permanently banned. not just one email, but all connected emails as well.
im out. that place is a censored shithole. fuck reddit. i hope they ban all the real ones so they come here.
So, Suppressed News has in fact, been suppressed…
Welcome to all lemmigrants !
I received an IP ban for sharing the public list of DOGE employees, 11 minutes into my 10 year cake day.
A thousand Luigi’s upon Huffman and Musk!
I just got banned for saying starlink to be not trusted as coms for military ops.
I have a feeling someone from right wing has bought a huge stake and they have exerted pressure on the management to mute all anti establishment discussions.
Everytime they just use the rule: comment should be civil, which is freaking left to their interpretation. Below is what I wrote.
I would not use starlink for any of my coms. These mofos may have given Russia intercept ability and location tracking.
Reddit has bent the knee, got banned for calling Elon Musk Adolph Tittler and telling one of him simps to fellate him after telling me he was going to kill us Canadians and we would be their 51st state.
Honestly we shouldn’t be supporting these assholes anyway so welcome to Lemmy everyone!
Well… that’s just going to be most American sites going forward. That’s why ultimately platforms like Lemmy are so important. What a lot of people here in the States don’t realize is that this is a war on information.
I’ve gotten permabans on multiple subs and also overall bans from reddit admin itself. Various reasons like pro-luigi comments, anti-trump comments, anti-israeli comments, pro-ukraine comments. Reddit is a propaganda platform now.
Damn Reddit you really let yourself go
This picture was at the top of /r/pics one day and I was permanently banned from reddit for calling Hitler a ‘fag’
I am not a homophobe in the slightest lol I just thought it was funny (I am LGBT and was called all kinds of shit on reddit by nazis…)
I was still using it for researching stuff (mostly via the Kagi forum search) - but it’s the only website that does not work with MullvadVPN on. Getting tired of having to deactivate it. By now Mastodon and Lemmy easily satisfy my needs for tech news/discussions.
Yep. I am done with Reddit too. Just deleted my account after this bullshit.
It’s Suppressed_News? Not SuppressedNews afaik?