I’d like to get a dumbphone and stop using smartphones, but i’m forced to rely on the latter for work and finances and various things that really shouldn’t be limited to just existing in mobile apps but are. How practical would it be to use a simple dumbphone (i’m currently looking at a Light Phone II) for calls and do everything else in an Android or /e/OS emulator on my Linux computer? Has anyone else tried this before?
Might have trouble with apps that require Play Integrity. Better test them first.
I don’t see why you couldn’t, but that also sounds extremely inconvenient. You can always have a dumb phone and a smartphone. Just don’t set up service for the smartphone. You can still use it on wifi. If you end up needing to get a new smartphone later, because it’s no longer supported or whatever reason, you can always get a cheap low end phone.
I’m assuming you have a smartphone now and it seems like having both devices is the more convenient option.
Yep it’s possible and some people do it. At least on Android . Android studio will allow you to download specific emulators and you can install from thee. Device divers like audio/camera will be dependent on the base is and config so that’s a possible downside.
someone used this for testing at work last year and i had planned to try tiktok like that but probably won’t any more: https://www.genymotion.com/product-desktop/
idk much about it as i had no time to try it myself yet.
It’s possible but much easier to buy a cheap android tablet with wifi.
You could keep your smartphone but without a sim card and only turn it on to use with wifi when you need to use the app(s). Make sure to get a dumbphone that can act as a wifi hotspot (and with a data plan) if you’ll need to use the app(s) away from home. I’m fortunate to not have been forced to use anyone’s mobile app (so far!) so I am smartphone-free.