Nowhere does God in the New Testament give man the authority to kill another man.
Why is it always this bullshit? God giving people the authority to kill one another, or not. Not everyone is Christian and laws shouldn’t be dictated by religion.
Just fucking say it’s wrong. Make that argument because once you bring religion into it, you’ve already lost. God says whatever the people following him want him to say. Every time.
Because religious people don’t think they are inherently good. And the fact that they need something like this to do the bare minimum required to be human, is quite telling.
They’ve grown up in a culture which literally says we are all wicked and only god can fix it. It not only excuses their own failings, but tells them to accept wickedness in others as a lapse in faith, not a moral failing. And that absence of faith is embracing wickedness. See: fucking everything.
The damage this causes will never be undone.
Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall God giving lots of authority to kill other people—even babies. It’s just you’re not supposed to kill your fellow Jews.
“Thou shalt not kill. Murder… but when you think about it religion has never really had a problem with murder.”
It’s important people read the articles on this one as it’s doing the rounds. It was his choice, but also it’s important to know why it was his choice. I think that part is a much more alarming thing to know and understand.
I wish I could pin this.
shieeeet if i was on death row, and i had a choice, i;d take the firing squad over lethal injection any day.
in case y’all didn’t know lethal injection is a cocktail of 3 different drugs that were never approved by any doctor, the whole “do no harm” bit. typically its a sedative, a paralytic, and a potassium shot to seal the deal. there have been cases where people are alive and but paralyzed for way too long while the potassium is slowly and agonizingly killing then
Getting shot by multiple people in the chest and stomach isn’t going to be any more painless.
“convicted of beating his ex-girlfriend’s parents, David and Gladys Larke, to death with a baseball bat in 2001”
Seems like a pretty typical murder, what elevated it to a death penalty case?
He also got a 30 year sentence for burglary, which seems like an out of control maximum sentence for burglary. Dude was also 67 (was ~44 at the time of his crime), and had been behind bars for 23 yrs, why waste the time/money unless the fantasy of killing (or the power trip) is the goal.
And not an excuse, but the guy grew up watching his mother get beatings from an alcoholic father, and surprisingly had mental health and substance abuse issues. He apparently was drunk and doing coke before going to the girls house with a bat to confront her, and got there and found the parents she was living with and attacked them both going back and forth between rooms.
I think they should all be firing squad or hanging. Make them violent again. So people take notice of them.