Inversely, most provinces have supply management of dairy and poultry products to insure a stable price for consumers and protect farmers from inevitable variable conditions.
Did you know that committing atrocity against chickens is in fact entirely optional? You can live a longer, healthier, wealthier life by simply not abusing animals.
There is also a massive chicken cartel in the US which dictates the laws so small farmers cannot abide by all the nitpicking rules.
Inversely, most provinces have supply management of dairy and poultry products to insure a stable price for consumers and protect farmers from inevitable variable conditions.
Just because I wanted to read more about it
Sounds like time to nationalize
Did you know that committing atrocity against chickens is in fact entirely optional? You can live a longer, healthier, wealthier life by simply not abusing animals.
Capitalism turning people to veganism like it did tiny homes
most people are not abusing animals.