Q kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Sandyhook kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Pizza kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Birther kooks (Obama was a Muslim) prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Bircher kooks (Ike was a Communist) prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Start the Steal kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Hermain Cain kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Horse medicine cures Covid kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Laetrile cures Cancer kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Pet eater kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Ukraine attacked Russia kooks prove that conservatives like to be lied to.
Please try to abstain from using ableist language here
That’s reasonable. Fixed with edit.
Your sanity is only as good as your conspiracy theory pans out to be. I’ve been saying the Nazis are coming for us for years and people thought was nuts. Ha ha ha.
Wow, that must be so hard. It looks like this guy did everything right, but he still couldn’t get through to his own father. I hope something can someday