The shitshow in the Whitehouse yesterday really brought it to light - the U.S. can no longer be trusted with our secrets. Its time to leave 5 eyes. I would create a new intelligence sharing union with the other 3 members, on condition that they also leave. Inviting France and other EU states might also make sense.
LOL really? The 5 asses shouldn’t even exist.
The US and 4 of its biggest bootlickers.
What are you going to do with the ex-colonial EU has-beens that think they still are relevant?
More of the same BS?
Are you going to support the Pisraeli genociders all on your own, create your own regime change in some poor country to steal resources? You’re all cancer to the world and nothing pleases me more than seeing the biggest bully country destroying itself and his poodles in a panic.
mate you have a point but you sound like a twelve year old
iVe BeEn oN LeMmY fOr tWeLvE daYs aNd iTs JuSt LiKe tHe ReDiTz loL kaRmA plZ
Sounds like Trump with his nickname obsession. So, same thing