Why the green party? Why not primary vulnerable downballot democrats?
Use the same tactic the right has used on the republican party over the last 20 years to move the opposition party our direction. Is the green party uniquely positioned or something? They have a terrible track record and at least at one point about a decade ago, were thought to be infested with .ru shills.
Why the green party? Why not primary vulnerable downballot democrats?
Use the same tactic the right has used on the republican party over the last 20 years to move the opposition party our direction. Is the green party uniquely positioned or something? They have a terrible track record and at least at one point about a decade ago, were thought to be infested with .ru shills.
Because I’ve seen how that goes. The party protects incumbents as long as their opponents are progressive.
Compare how the party protected anti-choice anti-labor pro-nra Henry Cuellar to how it abandoned Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman.
Also, your question assumes fair primaries. Democrats don’t do those.