Are there people in your world that just don’t get it, and keep spouting opinions that make no sense given the context of your world or would be disastrous if actually implemented? What are some of the most common bad takes in your world and what makes them so bad?

    6 days ago

    non-anthro animals trying to live in harmony

    Off topic, I am very intrigued how their ergonomics works. How do tools and architecture in this world account for vastly different body plans, sizes, and sensory systems? Xenoergonomics is one of my favorite aspects of worldbuilding.

    As for terrible takes in the Lonely Galaxy, probably the Partisans. Most other residents of Focus are indifferent toward religion, but the Partisans are militantly atheistic. While their dislike for the Bright Way (Focus’s historically dominant religion) is somewhat understandable given the Partisans are descendants of former ecclesiastical slaves, there’s no excuse for genocide, especially when the majority of the believers you’re killing are trying to dissolve the Bright Way’s economic monopolies that permitted debt slavery in the first place.

    Even after the War of Dissolution reverted the Bright Way from system-spanning megacorp to a purely religious institution, the Partisans wanted control of the whole system, austencibly so that the clergy could never rise to power again. This caused a rift between the Partisans and the other factions of dissolutionists, the Pious Dissolutionists (internal renewal movement) and the moderate secular dissolutionists (remnants of the secular governments of the inner planets who were puppets of the clergy during the Age of Decadence.)

    The Pious Dissolutionists would very much like it if the Partisans didn’t kill them, and the secular governments of the inner planets weren’t keen to be anyone’s puppet so soon after throwing off the clergy’s yoke. Most of the newly freed planetary governments sacrificed their hard-won independence in order to form an economic and political union to counter the Partisan threat.

    The partisans are so anti-theist that they’ll even happily slaughter misotheists. To despise the Uncreated Light is to acknowledge its existence, and the Partisans will brook no compromise in that regard.