Surgery was rare and risky in the medieval period. Though medical options were limited, trans people were able to take transitioning into their own hands.
And then it took 700 years to reach the XXI century’s state of affairs. I wonder to which square the new right wants to send society back to in this regard. We need non Queers in this too, we need the ones that haven’t been impermeable to progress and see us a people to push back US’s madness and prevent the madness of the nations that will follow suit. I refuse to believe we are aloneish in this again.
And then it took 700 years to reach the XXI century’s state of affairs. I wonder to which square the new right wants to send society back to in this regard. We need non Queers in this too, we need the ones that haven’t been impermeable to progress and see us a people to push back US’s madness and prevent the madness of the nations that will follow suit. I refuse to believe we are aloneish in this again.