A new advocacy group, the Third Term Project — which has adopted a Caesar-like Trump image as its logo — is dedicated to upending the 22nd Amendment so that Trump can serve a third term.
I wasn’t being a dick, I was giving a straightforward answer. I don’t have a concern that the photo is shopped, I find it entirely believable, and so of course I’m not going to take the time to go looking for more pics. Even if there are none yet, it wouldn’t prove this was shopped.
The banner is not really the problem, shopped or not.
Now the right hand side of this on the other hand:
When trump has asked about a third term, it has been jokingly. As far as those pushing for it, I don’t think it would pass. If it did though, he would still have to get elected again by the people again. I dunno I just don’t see it happening.
When a fascist “jokes” about taking and keeping more power, they’re not joking. They’re absolutely serious.
He wouldn’t have to be elected again. He lost the vote last time and still tried to launch an insurrection to overthrow the legitimate government and maintain power. He’s learned a lot since that failed attempt. He’s dismantling the government and the checks and balances by the day. There won’t be anything left to stop him in 4 years. He will not leave willingly.
he literally did, definitionally he launched a failed coup. At the very least an attempted insurrection.
He did the same thing Hillary did in the election before that.
complete disinformation, hillary contested the results, which is a thing you are legally entitled to doing (she later retracted that statement publicly) trump has NEVER once retracted his statement, he STILL says it was stolen.
I’m pretty sure it’s just another distraction and nothing more. Plus, he’s already pretty much a babbling idiot, he’ll likely be a vegetable in four years.
They’d have to somehow keep Obama from running, so they can’t just say “third term”. It would have to be jerry-rigged to hell to let Trump run but keep Obama out.
I don’t share your concerns and am not going to take the time to hunt down another one.
Regardless of the banner, the push is real, here’s one article today and another from yesterday.
Quote from second article:
You don’t have to be a dick, it totally looks like some shopped meme.
I wasn’t being a dick, I was giving a straightforward answer. I don’t have a concern that the photo is shopped, I find it entirely believable, and so of course I’m not going to take the time to go looking for more pics. Even if there are none yet, it wouldn’t prove this was shopped.
The banner is not really the problem, shopped or not.
Now the right hand side of this on the other hand:
When trump has asked about a third term, it has been jokingly. As far as those pushing for it, I don’t think it would pass. If it did though, he would still have to get elected again by the people again. I dunno I just don’t see it happening.
When a fascist “jokes” about taking and keeping more power, they’re not joking. They’re absolutely serious.
He wouldn’t have to be elected again. He lost the vote last time and still tried to launch an insurrection to overthrow the legitimate government and maintain power. He’s learned a lot since that failed attempt. He’s dismantling the government and the checks and balances by the day. There won’t be anything left to stop him in 4 years. He will not leave willingly.
lol, he didn’t try to “overthrow” the government at the previous election. He did the same thing Hillary did in the election before that.
Even you don’t believe that.
Nobody here is going to play along, so I don’t even know what you think you’re doing. Getting “persecution points?”
I don’t know if we are talking about the same thing. So I’ll just drop it.
he literally did, definitionally he launched a failed coup. At the very least an attempted insurrection.
complete disinformation, hillary contested the results, which is a thing you are legally entitled to doing (she later retracted that statement publicly) trump has NEVER once retracted his statement, he STILL says it was stolen.
I’m pretty sure it’s just another distraction and nothing more. Plus, he’s already pretty much a babbling idiot, he’ll likely be a vegetable in four years.
They’d have to somehow keep Obama from running, so they can’t just say “third term”. It would have to be jerry-rigged to hell to let Trump run but keep Obama out.