I’m going to try doing this.
Transparency, it could cost more than 10 dollarydoos. I wanted something with UV resistant plastic to not crumble so I ordered a 60L outdoor bin ($15) and its lid ($6-ish) from Bunnings plus delivery.
You also need to have, buy or borrow a drill of some kind. And buy or have soil
I once had a huge tumbler I picked up from an op shop.It had a wheel on one side with handles like a ships wheel. Added some peat and worms to get things going. I don’t know if it was months or a year or two later, but at one stage any time I opened it there was a writhing mass of worms ready to devour anything I put in there. I could have composted a body pretty quickly. Not that I ever needed to.
I was gonna buy a tumbler, but apparently they just don’t produce much compost. I finally built my pallet compost bin yesterday, about $10 worth of brackets and 3 pallets. Still, with only one heap, it just doesn’t make much over the long run.
Yeah, I probably won’t be getting much either. It’s ok though because it’s mainly to deal with grass clippings and fallen leaves