I use ad blockers and open source privacy focused software whenever I can but occasionally I have to use computers that don’t belong to me or an older phone where my usual applications aren’t installed and seeing all the advertisements just feels dirty and dystopian.

I think the worst ads are the text to speech ones that say “Download this app today”. The unblinking energenic people saying you can make a living at home are probably a close second.

  • cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
    10 months ago

    I do understand hating ads to some extent because when I was growing up, they made me feel uncomfortable but later on I realized it was because I was watching tv with other people. So it was really just other people making me feel uncomfy and not the ad’s - when I watched ads on my own I found them interesting when I actually paid attention to them.

    What do you mean by personal interest though? Most tv ad’s I see now aren’t even for someone like me. Like I have no need for viagra pills or dog meds. I’m not a guy with dick problems and I don’t own a dog. I see a lot of ads for like 65+ people too cause that’s who’s left watching and they know it.