>Be me, 27 with enough money to afford pot and cool posters
>Enjoy conspiracy theories
>Little brothers friends come over
>am high af
>Little bros friends awkwardly come into my room to smoke uninvited
>dont know what to talk about, figure I’ll tell them some dumb shit I read to make them laugh
>they leave
>later go downstairs to make a sandwich
>overhear them calling me a loser
>Be me, 27 with enough money to afford pot and cool posters
>Enjoy conspiracy theories
>Little brothers friends come over
>am high af
>Little bros friends awkwardly come into my room to smoke uninvited
>dont know what to talk about, figure I’ll tell them some dumb shit I read to make them laugh
>they leave
>later go downstairs to make a sandwich
>overhear them calling me a loser