Alternative title: Around half of all Australians are brainwashed ghouls 😬
Almost a third supported deporting asylum seekers to their country of origin, regardless of the risk of persecution or violence, while 42% opposed it somewhat or strongly.
The polling also showed voters felt strongly about punitive measures for those in immigration detention, with 50% backing powers to conduct more invasive searches compared with 22% against the measure.
The control group supported offshore detention at 51% while 24% opposed. Support dropped marginally to 49% and 50% after messages against offshore detention, while the group exposed to pro-offshore detention increased to 57% support.
90% of Aussies live in cities with plenty of exposure to other people (source
Australia was explicitly white supremist in living memory. Unfortunately a lot of us just fucking suck. Constant media beat ups, cheap tactics by pollies, a machismo that rejects education and empathy, a myopic education curriculum, and an economic system that has us proles climbing over each other for a brief gasp of air takes its toll.