I always feel like I’m the only person who likes this game. I don’t like how cartoony most other BRs are. PUBG does still run like shit though, lol.
I absolutely love the game, I have something stupid like 12000 hours in it on Xbox, but as an Australian I had to stop playing because Krafton fucked us all in the arse by getting rid of the OCE servers. Went from 10ms ping to 250ms+ ping with that change, and that night was likely the last night I played PUBG ever again. Game is completely unplayable competitively with that sort of ping.
My squad was hovering around a 40% 4-man-squad win rate the last like 5 seasons before they killed the OCE servers too, only ever played during prime time :(
I haven’t heard shit about this game for years.
Same, got surprised that it’s still there.
Been recently playing a lot with friends. It’s been a lot of fun.
The pc or mobile?
Pc, the gunplay is pretty good. Feels really good sniping someone from a couple of 100 meters. It’s also free to play on pc.
Nice, I used to play during its prime. Got bored cause all I was doing was loot for 15 mins and die to a sniper couple of 100 meters away xD. Glad it’s still the same old fun.
I only played Fortnite recently but loved it more. Sad it isn’t on linux. It’s more casual fun for me ig.
80% of the games end up the same for me xD. But thats why I play with friends. They can help me pick me up :p. I consider myself to old for fortnight and hate epic for what they use the fortnite money for.
Agree. We just got into our adult “phase” so none of my buddies is playing :( maybe it’s a sign I need to finish my degree and get a job like them xD
Also Fortnite’s monetization is very predatory towards children.