No problem. It was good, they are all quality actors and the direction from Eggers was on point. I was kind of wondering though whether we really need another classic-style vampire movie, because there’s nothing particularly interesting or new about the retelling of the story in terms of content, despite its excellent production quality. But sometimes that’s maybe enough? :)
It’s a Tyrolean pipe - I just saw Willem Dafoe’s character using one in Nosferatu funnily enough.
See here: The Cast of Nosferatu Discusses the Props That Shaped Their Characters | Prop Shop
Also one quite similar to yours in design (I think):
Thank you so much! How was Nosferatu? I’m wanting to watch it soon.
No problem. It was good, they are all quality actors and the direction from Eggers was on point. I was kind of wondering though whether we really need another classic-style vampire movie, because there’s nothing particularly interesting or new about the retelling of the story in terms of content, despite its excellent production quality. But sometimes that’s maybe enough? :)