Everything is working splendidly, until I start to record Midi or Audio. Then everything freezes. I tried other audio-engines etc but only ALSA works. I also adjusted the buffer size and thereby latency.

Does anybody know what settings might possibly fix this?

Gratful for any and all suggestions no matter how outlandish.

If I could do all my recording on Debian I could ditch the airgapped windows machine I currently use for recording and finally be 100% FOSS.

  • rowinxavier@lemmy.world
    27 days ago

    Yes, the output is continuous as it runs and if it crashes it just stops putting out data. The cool thing is you can capture the error codes and back end details so you can often gain an insight to what is failing and why. It may have something like a device not being ready or a library failing to load, but because the range of possible errors is so large the developers may not have a GUI way of showing them. I would recommend taking each of the last few lines one at a time and searching them in your favourite search engine with ardour at the front, like “ardour ERR: glibc not found” or something like that. If someone has the same issue they may have found a solution that works for you.