Everything is working splendidly, until I start to record Midi or Audio. Then everything freezes. I tried other audio-engines etc but only ALSA works. I also adjusted the buffer size and thereby latency.

Does anybody know what settings might possibly fix this?

Gratful for any and all suggestions no matter how outlandish.

If I could do all my recording on Debian I could ditch the airgapped windows machine I currently use for recording and finally be 100% FOSS.

  • AynRandLibertarian@lemmy.worldOP
    28 days ago

    I can’t install any non-free software on this system. I alreay have a fully working daw on my old airgapped windows machine. However I rather not use non-foss software that is why i am bothering with ardour to begin with. Maybe it’s time to just get analog hardware (tape recorder etc…)

    • JayleneSlide@lemmy.world
      27 days ago

      FWIW, I regularly use a Zoom H8 and do my major editing/mixdown in Tenacity, minor quick stuff directly in the H8. I give Ardour a try every few years, and things are definitely getting better. I just don’t have a lot of patience for getting the audio working in Ardour. I still support Ardour because I see that things are improving.

      Edit to add: I think it says a lot of good things about the Ardour project that one has to dig a bit to find the donation link. For people who can and want to financially support Ardour, here it is: https://community.ardour.org/donate