Hello comrades and friends! I’ve gotten back into reading and I’ve been buying books about fascism, because of the political climate. I’ve picked up a few books, like

It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis Cradles of the Reich by Jen Coburn The Plot Against America by Philip Roth

I know they aren’t strictly anarchist, but they do talk about fascism/authoritarianism. Could you recommend me some books about anarchism as well as more books on fascism? I prefer fiction, but will read non-fiction as well.

    • Random Dent@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      Le Guin describing the novel, to give OP a sense of it:

      My novel The Dispossessed is about a small worldful of people who call themselves Odonians. The name is taken from the founder of their society, Odo, who lived several generations before the time of the novel, and who therefore doesn’t get into the action — except implicitly, in that all the action started with her.

      Odonianism is anarchism. Not the bomb-in-the-pocket stuff, which is terrorism, whatever name it tries to dignify itself with; not the social-Darwinist economic “libertarianism” of the far right; but anarchism, as prefigured in early Taoist thought, and expounded by Shelley and Kropotkin, Goldman and Goodman. Anarchism’s principal target is the authoritarian State (capitalist or socialist); its principal moral-practical theme is cooperation (solidarity, mutual aid). It is the most idealistic, and to me the most interesting, of all political theories.

      To embody it in a novel, which had not been done before, was a long and hard job for me, and absorbed me totally for many months. When it was done I felt lost, exiled — a displaced person. I was very grateful, therefore, when Odo came out of the shadows and across the gulf of Probability, and wanted a story written, not about the world she made, but about herself.