Canberra’s award-winning Old Bus Depot Markets may be in for a shake-up or face competition from a rival operator after the ACT Government put the heritage-listed venue in Kingston out to tender.

The Markets have operated on Sundays at the former transport depot for 30 years, but the government is now looking to get more out of the 5000 sqm site by opening it up to other operators and opportunities, including on Saturdays and during the week.

These new ideas could include more markets, events and arts activities, particularly given its location as part of the to-be-developed Kingston Arts Precinct.

  • spiffmeister
    1 month ago

    Not quite sure what else you could do with the space. It kind of lends itself to a little market. I don’t see it being something that could run more than 1 or 2 days on the weekend either.

    • tauOPM
      1 month ago

      Yes, it’s not the easiest space to find other uses for. I could see some options for it on Saturdays as a bookable space for displays or events that can come up and down quickly (e.g. it would make a nice space for a car club to show off their vehicles) but not much is coming to mind for weekday activities.