$29.99 seems a bit much for the relatively simplistic state that this “vertical slice” is launching in, I think I might be waiting a couple months until they start adding the survival and planetary content.
$29.99 seems a bit much for the relatively simplistic state that this “vertical slice” is launching in, I think I might be waiting a couple months until they start adding the survival and planetary content.
No multiplayer = no purchase.
Oh shit didnt even realze it launched with no MP. Same here. Single player sandbox can only go so far.
It is Alpha what do you expect? Let them first sort out many of the bugs and performance issues before trowing in multiplayer which would amplify many of the problems.
Building a game and tacking multiplayer on afterwards will cause more issues. See fallout 76, Space Engineers
Marek has said this isn’t the case in one of the livestreams. They are building multi along with the rest of the game but want the core experience working first before releasing that feature.
It’ll be at second half of 2026 before that happens i think.