Hello, I’m wondering if I should use the Linux-libre kernel or if I should stay with the stock Linux kernel. I do want to remain 100% FOSS and have Libreboot installed, but, does it really matter if I use the stock kernel or not? Can the blobs from the stock kernel be a vulnerbility? My only reason for wanting to stay with the stock kernel is because its better maintained and gets audited more. But I’m really just worried about the blobs, can they do anything?

  • TMP_NKcYUEoM7kXg4qYe@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Since you are already using Libreboot, you already have (proprietary) microcode updates installed. So I think it shouldn’t be a security disaster with Linux-libre (that assumes that you keep your Libreboot updated). Worst thing that would happen is that your hardware won’t work. That’s also the best thing that will happen. The blobs are just firmware that gets loaded on a device that needs it. If you have the device, it won’t work without blobs. If you don’t have it, the firmware is not loaded so the outcome is not that different from regular linux. And also reading from comments there are some blobs for enabling DRM content. I guess that’s not mandatory.

    Though imo Linux-libre is pointless. For noobs it’s a potential security disaster and skilled users would be better off compiling their own kernel with just the features they need to reduce attack surface.