Screenshot is a 6-month-old warning posted by an official member of staff.


An update of sorts from your forum moderation team.


Folks, we’re in a very unsettled transitional situation. Most or perhaps all of our parent companies’ staff have been laid off. We do not know what the new management’s intentions are for the game and for the forum. We are trying to find out but so far without success. You should prepare yourselves for the possibility that the forum could be shut down at any time, possibly without warning. Until we hear one way or another, it is our intention to go on moderating the forum as we have been doing, under the same rules. We wish we had better news but this is all we have to pass along to you at this time.

  • ZagorathOP
    1 month ago

    Most of the articles I’ve come across since I noticed it was down have shown up in the Wayback Machine. But far too many have not. I saw something on Reddit about people having archives of more of it, but not making that archive available (yet?) for fear of legal reprisal.