The fact that you believe Obama killed many civilians with drone strikes means you believed the propaganda.
Obama had a lower kill count than any modern President except Carter. The reason you used the word drones is because that was the right wing talking point. Because no previous president had access to drones in large numbers, they could say Obama killed more civilians with drones than any other president. So talking about drones while ignoring total deaths with Obama would be like talking endlessly about Bush Sr as the stealth bomber killer. Trump killed more civilians in his first year with drones than Obama did in 8.
The fact that you believe Obama killed many civilians with drone strikes means you believed the propaganda.
Obama had a lower kill count than any modern President except Carter. The reason you used the word drones is because that was the right wing talking point. Because no previous president had access to drones in large numbers, they could say Obama killed more civilians with drones than any other president. So talking about drones while ignoring total deaths with Obama would be like talking endlessly about Bush Sr as the stealth bomber killer. Trump killed more civilians in his first year with drones than Obama did in 8.