I accidentally cut my thumb with a peeler while preparing lunch. I cleaned my work area, cleaned the wound, and put a bandage on my thumb to stop the bleeding. It didn’t stick to my skin very well, so I used another bandage to secure the bandage. They are a value brand I got on sale a few years ago, so I’m grateful for my economical decisions.
The cut stings a bit, but I’ll be okay. It’s my non-dominant hand.
I don’t believe this will prevent me from other activities I have planned for this weekend.
Lived with a chef who told me about a time she was grating potatoes to make hash browns. She grated off a portion of skin from her thumb, and because there was not much blood in the piece of skin, she couldn’t find it where it landed in the grated pieces of potato.
Was too lazy to throw the already grated bowl of potato (and finger chunk), so made the brownies, cooked them up and served them to the guests.
Some chefs are animals.
That’s gross, irresponsible, and reprehensible. Bad chef.
Fully agree. They told me some absolute horror stories about what some chefs got up to.