I’m so fuckin happy rn. Gonna go shopping a bit more tomorrow I think. I took Elise’s advice and ended up going to a fetish shop, ended up only buying some stocking but I feel like I need more lmao. Did look around the city to see if any shops would kind of fit the bill (LGBTQ+ friendly, drag) but everything else was so public facing and I’m definitely not ready for that. I also checked local LGBTQ+ alliance page websites and there wasn’t anything listed in my city.
The biggest thing I have to do in the next little while is find a way to commit to some lgbtq groups / people generally. Idk how to explain it, I’m just pretty stuck right now.
That’s a totally normal experience, just listen to your feelings and follow your intuition. There’s no need to rush anything.
thank you, honestly helps so much.
Just imagine all the future steps and how much they’ll help :)
Chica, you sound so much like me right now! Are you me?
Let’s go girl! We can do this!
Let’s goooo!
Seriously though, I already didn’t know how to meet people, and now the pool of people I want to meet got even smaller. I find support groups, but I’d like to meet more people who aren’t in the initial struggle stage you know?
Totally get that. Hard to explain but I feel like I might lost my connection I had to anything locally.