Graph showing a 30% drop in UK users on Twitter since September 2023, which, the commenter says is on the back of a loss of about a third in the preceding months.

    2 months ago

    If that’s what you think the cause of the election results was, then you are in your own echo chamber. A democratic candidate could have come out and said they have a million dollars and a lifetime supply of Diet Mountain Dew for every voter and the MAGA crowd would have said it was Soros money and started shilling red shirts and hats with “Don’t The Dew” on them. The problem wasn’t the democratic outreach; it was that the GOP was taking every opportunity to poison the well. You can see how it splinters their own party, because they just throw hate in all directions, but it doesn’t matter because they’ve built a “brand”. It’s the same way that Christians can give their money to the church while knowing full well that it only goes to support hate groups and pedophiles. It’s a cognitive dissonance of loving hate. The GOP built their own echo chamber out of brick and mortar, and they have sealed the entire party inside. It wasn’t that the Democrats were excluding voters, it was the voters that were excluding the Democrats.