Yall never worked in trades and saw the group dyslexic figure east was west, north was south, write shit backwards until the coffee got to his brain and things reverted to normal/reality. Can’t even argue with them because they make rational sounding statements that are half batshit, but, they are 100 percent sure on until they get to be old dyslexics and recognize the tells from what others are saying.
My only thought as to why this could occur is that either the person is intoxicated or has some sort of cognitive issue like dementia OR that it was deliberately done as a sketch to make a viral video. The former are scary to think about. I can understand a “normal” person making this mistake once or twice, but the fact that it’s continuous and repeated would lead toward impairment.
Doesn’t understand rotation of an object. Drives a cubic ton of metal on wheels in the streets.
Yknow we could just be seeing an extreme bout of dyslexia in a tired person.
I don’t like your new year resolution…
Yall never worked in trades and saw the group dyslexic figure east was west, north was south, write shit backwards until the coffee got to his brain and things reverted to normal/reality. Can’t even argue with them because they make rational sounding statements that are half batshit, but, they are 100 percent sure on until they get to be old dyslexics and recognize the tells from what others are saying.
My only thought as to why this could occur is that either the person is intoxicated or has some sort of cognitive issue like dementia OR that it was deliberately done as a sketch to make a viral video. The former are scary to think about. I can understand a “normal” person making this mistake once or twice, but the fact that it’s continuous and repeated would lead toward impairment.
I immediately thought this is a person on opiates.
Source: saw my mother do this when I was young.
I’m really sorry to hear :(
Appreciate it but luckily it was like 30 years ago.