A new recycling facility near Canberra claims it will be able to create infinite, virgin-grade plastic without fossil fuels.

“You can’t solve the climate crisis unless you solve the plastics crisis. Plastic is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century and provides enormous utility because of its durability, flexibility, and strength. Yet, it’s also an environmental disaster with almost every piece of the 9 billion tonnes ever made still on the planet.”

The company hopes to reach its key milestone of recycling 1.5 million tonnes of plastic annually by 2030.

“We’ve had fantastic growth out of our ANU lab, but the plastic problem is growing fast. As we gear up towards commercialisation, access to our first R&D facility will enable us to accelerate the capabilities of infinite recycling and scale our solution, which breaks down plastics in minutes, not centuries.”

If successful, the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council claimed that its region will become home to a world-class leader in infinite recycling and decarbonised plastic management.

  • The Snark Urge@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I had to forcibly stop clenching my teeth at the mention of “infinite plastic” long enough to get to the bit at the very end about “infinite recycling and decarbonized plastic”.