In the face of ‘eradication’, one trans activist is preparing to fight – and she’s sick of silence and neglect from her supposed allies. Raquel Willis tells Io Dodds why Republican bathroom bans are everybody’s problem

    3 months ago

    The Democrats are a coalition party. They need to be able to stand up for all of the members of that coalition. Do you know why Republicans chose to attack trans people? Because it is a wedge issue they can use to cleave off a portion of Democratic votes. If Democrats throw trans people under the bus and sit idly by to genocide, then they will lose the votes of trans people and their friends, relatives, and allies.

    When has appeasing genocide ever worked for an opposition party? The problem Democrats have is that they’re embarrassed to be Democrats and try to run as Republican-lite. Then they look up surprised when people vote for the real deal or simply stay home out of disgust. The biggest appeal of Democrats among the electorate is that they’re willing to stand up for marginalized groups. And if one group gets thrown under the bus, every other group knows that they can also be thrown under the bus in the future if the political winds shift. Trans people are on the chopping block now, but after we’re exterminated, what other group will the Democrats willingly sacrifice? All Republicans have to do is run another demonization campaign against another group, and Democrats will again fold like a house of cards.

    If Republicans can get Democrats to fruitlessly piss away 5-10% of their core electorate in a doomed attempt to appeal to moderate Republicans, then that is a strategy that Republicans can use again and again to cleave piece after piece off of the Democratic coalition.

    Republicans chose trans people as a wedge. They gambled that, when push came to shove, Democrats would be too chicken shit to actually live up to their stated values and truly defend the rights of people that they’re always promising to defend. Democrats proved Republicans right, and that cost them the election. They were defeated by their own cowardice.

      3 months ago

      The problem democrats have is they are trying to support minority groups like the trans community that are not popular with the majority of voters. So they have to strike a balance between supporting the trans community without losing voters that don’t support the trans community. Because they needs those voters to win.

      The GOP knows this and that is why they made the trans community a big part of their campaign. It creates infighting in the Democratic Party which helps the GOP win.

      A popular way of doing this these days is to create accounts on social media or forums to inflame conversation and cause that infighting that helps the GOP win.

        3 months ago

        They didn’t lose votes for supporting trans rights, because they didn’t actually support trans rights. Republicans pretended they did, but they didn’t actually support trans rights. Currently Democrats are suffering the negative side of supporting trans rights, but without the positives that come with actually sticking up for marginalized groups in a meaningful way.