• FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    And yet you cannot disprove a direct correlation between the two events, so, until we won’t have a bigger dataset to analyse, both our opinions are equally valid; even if a policy change in the time span of a day and against the economic interests of this institution would skewer the hypothesis towards my interpretation rather than yours, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully we’ll have this increased dataset available in a short time ;)

    To answer your question: more or less all of them. Or at least a great majority (70-80% at least), all of the people who you cited in your list are out for blood against the lower classes so I don’t see anything wrong in defending ourselves from these beasts.

    They’ll have to be successful 100% of the times to avoid being killed, we will need just one successful try to reach our goal