Transcription of the video:

  • And then the SMO started. I remember waking up on the 24th (of February) as a very happy person.
  • Because… Yes, I was horrified that the whole Ukraine was burning. I had a thought that finally what is starting to happen here… We are finally moving somewhere.
  • Finally, Russia decided to be great again so to speak. I can finally be myself. In 2020 you couldn’t say that you were from the DPR.
  • Because the majority (of people) in the city weren’t for the DPR. They were traveling to Ukraine. Things have calmed down.
  • They could see life was undoubtedly better in Ukraine than in Donetsk. We didn’t have new constructions, investments, etc. in Donetsk.
  • Ukraine was developing and people who weren’t involved in the militia and traveled there saw the difference.
  • If you were to say you are for the DPR and suchlike, people wouldn’t work with you. You had to hide. you had to live in some kind of twilight.
  • In the underground.
  • Yes! Yes!