Well. That happened.

I’m really not sure what to say about this one. I loved Clone Wars and I loved Rebels. But they were zingy, tight shows with a lot of life to them.

This episode… was not that.

There was a space battle between a ship and a few smaller ships.

There was some clattering of wooden swords between a Jedi and a non-Force-Padawan-because-erm… didn’t we do the “Let Sabine be Sabine” story already on Rebels?

Oh. And there was something about Hera and the New Republic being ineffective. But we got to see her lovechild from Kanan. So wink-wink he wants to be a Jedi.

I don’t know. I feel very conflicted because I desperately want to love this show. But… this episode felt very empty. Boring.

And why do I feel like I’m going to be proven right and masked-evil-Jedi-person turns out to be fallen Ezra?

That would be disappointing.

If this show is trying to tell an exciting story travelling across galaxies, finding Thrawn, adding new layers of mysticism to the universe, then… give me that show. Not this plodding stilted whatever-this-is.

  • 0000000nowhere@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Episode 3/8 being a filler isn’t exactly a good sign; the characters seem to have somehow regressed since Rebels, and don’t get me started on the whole “let’s keep attacking this turret head-on then concentrate fire on the jedi who can deflect our shots instead of actually blowing up the ship” nonsense.

    They did make the right choice giving David Tennant a bigger role however, so there’s that, I suppose.

    • knotthatone@lemmy.one
      1 year ago

      The pacing needs to improve. We’re getting less story than we got in a typical 22-minute Rebels episode.