Personally, I started off with Roblox back in the early 2010s, and taught myself Lua. I really liked those Tycoon games, and wanted to see how they worked.

I eventually found Minecraft (like every kid back in the day did), and learnt Java to make Bukkit server mods.

Around 2016 I thought websites were kinda cool, so I started learning HTML, CSS, and JS, and I’ve been in the web dev space ever since.

What about the rest of y’all? What’s your personal programming path?

    1 year ago

    TI-83 graphing calculator in high school, around 1998. I would sit there in math class coding games in Basic. Ended up developing a reputation as the guy you went to if you needed a program to cheat on a math test.

    The highlight of the entire endeavor was a class wherein the teacher announced that before a test, they’d be resetting the memory on everyone’s graphing calculators, to prevent cheating. I wasn’t planning to cheat, but I did have a few games I was working on, and I didn’t want to lose them, so I wrote a program that emulated the graphing calculator’s interface, and would let you go through all of the steps to reset the memory, including showing the Programs menu as being empty afterwards, while not actually resetting anything.

    I showed this to the teacher just before the test (demonstrated “resetting the memory” with the program running, then demonstrated that the memory was in fact not reset), and he backed off from the compulsory reset policy in favor of the honor system, because he conceded that he wouldn’t be able to verify that the memory was actually reset anyway. Made me feel like an absolute hero.

    It’s honestly funny because I learned the concepts in the math classes a lot better as a result of this - it took a very thorough understanding of how to use a concept to write a program to solve it for you.

      1 year ago

      It’s honestly funny because I learned the concepts in the math classes a lot better as a result of this - it took a very thorough understanding of how to use a concept to write a program to solve it for you.

      My experience almost exactly. I built the interest by making/hacking TI-83 games, then made math class programs which i never really used because i had learned the material. It was fun, eye opening, and paved a path to my career!

    1 year ago

    I was forced to learn HTML as a 9-year-old so I could make sick Pet Pages on Neopets and show off to all my Neofriends.

    1 year ago

    I started a WoW guild in 2007, and installed a basic phpbb forum. But that was too generic for my liking, and I had a grand vision of setting ourselves apart via an awesome website built off the back of the forum login system.

    What was I going to do? Pay an expert to do a proper job? With my money?

    So that’s how I got into PHP, and HTML /CSS, and everything since has just spiraled from there.

    And yes, one of the first guild applications we got through my swanky new system failed because of an apostrophe. But this is how we learn!

    1 year ago

    I started when I was 7 on an old Amstrad CPC464, together with a book teaching you BASIC. I mainly copy/pasted programs from the book until I learned some basics. It’s been programmer’s life ever since.

    What a trajectory your life can take from one simple child’s enjoyment.

    1 year ago

    Back then, when you wanted some new games you could:

    • buy them (over expensive)
    • trade some on cassette tapes at the schoolyard
    • Go to the library, grab some source code books, have fun programming them

    Wrote my own text-adventure when I was 10, since then I came across Basic, Turbo Pascal, JS, Java, AS, Lua, Python, C++, maybe some more 😵‍💫