Who cares? It’s social media, I come here for entertainment. Don’t let it form your opinions and believes. Read credible newspapers and journals from across the spectrum and go touch grass and have a civil conversation with a stranger if you want to hear ideas that challenge your beliefs.
Doesn’t this lead to potential echo chambers though. If I go and block all content I don’t like, how can I have ideas that challenge my beliefs?
Not everything has to have an opposing perspective, where’s the opposing community for knitting? Tearing?
Probably purling.
I wouldn’t pull that thread if I were you.
Some people don’t come to social media to have their beliefs challenged and that’s okay.
Who cares? It’s social media, I come here for entertainment. Don’t let it form your opinions and believes. Read credible newspapers and journals from across the spectrum and go touch grass and have a civil conversation with a stranger if you want to hear ideas that challenge your beliefs.
The solution here, I believe, would be to not block them.