Hi all,

I am looking for suggestions for a new laptop to run KDE on, but I want it to be amazing out of the box.

I have run kubuntu and neon on HP and dell laptops previously, and they are fairly good, but things like the GPU not being auto set up, or hibernate type features not working have made it a bit of a pain.

I think my main bugbear is the power management. My wife’s macbook air can have the lid closed and it will wake up again a week later just fine. My laptop barely makes it overnight and get hot in the bag.

What are some good laptops to run KDE, where they have been fully integrated and have great power management?

The main ones I know of are slimbook and framework, but would love to hear some experiences if you have them.


  • palituOP
    4 months ago

    yeah thanks, i haven’t seen starlabs, and i am in Australia.

    thats sad news about power management. I dont mind that it sucks power when in use, but when the lid closes, it should be in something equivalent to hibernate.