As a side, it might be nice to eventually have a pvp-centric community, but for now I feel like this falls under WoW general discussion.
GL to all those warlocks out there, and the healer that love them.
Be interesting to see how much the Holy Priest DPS changes impact things; I have been leveling an hpriest again for the first time since I started playing a healer in early Shadowlands (was a Mage prior to that…going back to Vanilla) and I actually enjoy the lore/aesthetics of it more than any other healing class. I mean, honestly, I am not a high key player anyway so I can really play whatever I want.
Getting a 403, access denied error when trying to access the link on my phone (I’m logged into wow forums), haven’t tried from my pc.
These havoc changes boutta feel soooo nice😭
Ya, I’ll be interested myself. I was contemplating swapping to DH over Boomy just to have a melee on my 3’s team, but I feel so squishy. The extra dps could be worth the tradeoff.