• Ephera@lemmy.ml
    17 hours ago
    • AFAB = assigned female at birth; basically because they happened to have a vagina at birth, so they were supposed to like pink and dolls and a lower paycheck and whatever else society has decided the female experience should be like.
    • AMAB = assigned male at birth
    • NB = non-binary; a person that identifies neither as male nor as female. They might be something in the middle, or they might be something completely different.
    • femme = basically the way women have traditionally looked or behaved (long hair, pink etc.)
    • fundie = fundamentalist Christian; basically very conservative, very eccentric people with world views they claim to be traditionally Christian
    • bussy = boy pussy; the anus of a man, or it may also be used to describe the vagina of a transmasc person
    • transmasc = transmasculine; a person who was assigned female at birth, but who rather identifies with masculinity and may have taken measures to be perceived as such (clothing, hormones, surgery etc.)