• exanime@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Strictly speaking, we don’t. Legislation has to be in line with the constitutional authority of the acting branch.

    Well, that is not where the USA is going if they continue down the MAGA rabbit hole. They are now even quoting the Bible as a reference for law writing.

    What are you going to do? Establish a religious exclusion test for candidates? For voters?

    No but you are taking it too far. All I want are laws that are not based on religious beliefs. If they coincide with some religious belief I have no issues, I just do not want religion doctrine to be the driving force.

    When large numbers of people engage in the same personal choices, they create an implicit policy.

    Which can objectively be avoided or mitigated.

    When state officials campaign, they appeal to the local customs and taboos. And those customs/taboos become laws

    Why should they? this is exactly what I am talking should not happen and something you just claimed “strictly speaking” does not happen.

    What prevents this snowball from forming? Are you going to forbid a plurality of people from propagating their views?

    Now you are just pearl clutching for effect