During Egg Wars (an unapproved event between students in high school) I got hit in the face with a frozen paintball, a frozen egg, and got punched in the face. That didn’t bother me. When my gf and I were leaving, people started egging my car, and hit my gf with frozen eggs and paintballs. That’s when I snapped. I was seeing red. I pulled an aluminum bat out of my backseat and asked who threw the fist egg. They had a deer spotlight in my face, so I swung at the light and missed, so everyone on the other side started laughing. “You better not come across the fence with that bat”. I heard from the big crowd. So I calmly told the “Ok” and started walking towards the nearest gate. as long as the person who started throwing eggs stepped up, I was only going to decimate them, but it was a group of probably 15 people, but I also didn’t care at the time.

Suddenly my gfs dad rolled up in his Jeep. He jumped in front of me and asked what was going on. I explained what happened, and he told me to get his daughter home. I told him that I would, but I had to deal with something first. He snatched the bat out of my hand and told me to go home. I agreed and immediately knew what his goal, and left him to it. I heard him giving a lecture to the other kids, and then they started egging his Jeep.

I hear him shout “Oh hell to the fuck nah” and pulled a pump action shotgun out and started firing above the kid’s heads. It was chaos and panic. Everyone scattered. I jumped in my car and hauled ass to get her home.

So thanks to that whole situation, I was the crazy person. The next day, there was one of the popular kids who was talking about the whole situation in class without realizing I was sitting right behind him. “I don’t know who it was, but someone went crazy pulled out a bat” he said and everyone chuckled and making jokes. I chimed in and said “That was me, and I’ll go to get that bat again at lunch. Or if you want, we can meet and I’ll beat the shit put you with that bat”. The room got silent and the teacher looked terrified. After a few seconds, I got sent out of class and told the dude I’d wait for him.

At the end of the day, he rushed to his lifted truck and hauled ass off of school property while I just stood there with the bat. After that, I was known as someone not to mess with in school because I was a psycho