I watched The Lighthouse with my dad a few years ago and I think that was the most awkward movie watching situation I’ve been in. We decided to watch it because it had Willem Dafoe on it, a positive rating, and it was on a streaming service he had. It’s not really a spoiler but the movie has multiple scenes with a focus on masturbation. Neither of us turned it off because we kept assuming that was the last of it and we would have had to get up for the remote.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    One night I was re-watching Almodovar’s “Átame!” (“Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!” in English) and my older sister came in and sat to watch.
    As I’d seen it before, I knew a very, very long and graphic sex scene was coming, so I got up and went to the bathroom.

    When I returned, only after I was well and fully sure that scene was over, my sister said - “I’m so glad you walked out right when you did”, yeah no kidding, I did it on purpose.

    Now for a friend of mine… his family are born-again Christians, it was his turn to pick a movie that night, and he’d chosen “Easy Rider”, yeah, this guy could be completely oblivious like that.
    After an hour and change of uneasy watching with a palpable tension in the air… the acid kicked in… in the New Orleans raised cemetery. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, that’s when the yelling started.