This cartoon has six panels. All of the panels take place in a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.


A human man, with a beard and a flannel shirt, is standing on a cloud, looking up at God, who is on another, higher cloud. (And is also much larger physically than the human guy). God is drawn in the traditional way: He has a thick white beard and is wearing white robes, and thereā€™s a halo behind His head.

God is grinning and spreading His hands wide in a welcoming manner.

GOD: Hi there, Iā€™m God! Good news! Because Iā€™m so infinitely loving, good and merciful, you get to go to Heaven!

MAN: Okay!


A close up of God, who as Nadine draws Him has very pretty eyes. He is smiling and pressing his palms together and looking in the direction of the off-panel human.

GOD: But if you donā€™t love me, Iā€™ll throw you into a lake of burning sulfur where youā€™ll be tormented day and night forever!


God smiles down beatifically at the human, who has raised a finger to make a point.

MAN: Butā€¦ Thatā€™s horrible! And it doesnā€™t make sense! A good god wouldnā€™t torture people forever!


A close up of God, with a wailing expression, as He presses the back of His hand to His forehead. He is dissolving into ash, and has already disappeared from the upper chest down.

GOD: Gasp! By pointing out a paradox youā€™ve defeated me! Now I must turn into ash and die like in that Marvel movie!


Nothing is left of God but a pyramid-shaped pile of black ash (the ash pile has a halo behind it). In the foreground, the human has mildly surprised body language, and is rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

MAN: Umā€¦


God, a merry expression on his face, has reappeared whole on His cloud. Heā€™s crouching down and pointing at the human. Lightning shoots out of Godā€™s finger, engulfing the human and instantly turning the human into a black, charred, and surprised looking skeleton.

GOD: Iā€™m kidding!Ā Have fun suffering in the abyss forever, loser! Hah hah!


Chicken fat is an obsolete cartoonistsā€™ expression for unimportant but entertaining details the cartoonist slips into the cartoon.

In this cartoon, in panel one, on the lower left, we can see a little dog sniffing at the cloud itā€™s standing on. The dog is wearing white robs and has a halo and white feathery wings.

We canā€™t see the cloud the dog is standing on again until panel five. In this panel, the dog is gone, but thereā€™s a yellow puddle on the cloud where the dog was.


    19 days ago

    John 3:16 says God loves ā€œthe whole worldā€

    2 Peter 3:9 says God doesnā€™t want ā€œanyone to perishā€

    Having this desire and being all powerful and yet people ending up condemned is a contradiction

      19 days ago

      ā€œWas not Esau Jacobā€™s brother?ā€ declares theĀ Lord. ā€œYet I have loved Jacob,Ā but Esau I have hated,Ā and I have turned his hill country into a wastelandĀ and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.ā€ Malachi 1:2-3

      "The Lord is not slow to keep his promise. He is not slow in the way some people understand it. Instead, he is patient with you. He doesnā€™t want anyone to be destroyed. Instead, he wants all people to turn away from their sins.ā€™ 2 Peter 3:9

      Itā€™s actually an answer to a question that was asked back in verse four. The question was:

      ā€œWhere is the promise of his coming? After all, nothing has changedā€”not since the beginning of creation, nor even since the ancestors died.ā€

      Itā€™s just saying God is not in a hurry to destroy everybody. Heā€™s not anxious to get on with it. He wants there to be plenty of time for everyone to come to grips with the fact that they arenā€™t very kind. That they arenā€™t good. That they donā€™t do much practical help for the sick, or the poor, or the downtrodden in this life. That they complain constantly, although their lives are much better than most. That they focus on themselves most of the time and donā€™t think about others very much at all, except in abstract. Practical help is rarely found in their hand.

      ā€œWhen tempted, no one should say, ā€œGod is tempting me.ā€ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.ā€ James 1:13-15

        19 days ago

        Itā€™s just saying God is not in a hurry to destroy everybody. Heā€™s not anxious to get on with it. He wants there to be plenty of time for everyone to come to grips with the fact that they arenā€™t very kind.

        Yes, as mentioned more explicitly in Romans 2:4. ā€œDonā€™t you know his [Godā€™s] kindness and patience is intended to lead to your repentance?ā€

        But this is consistent with what I posted above. God ā€œloves the whole worldā€, God ā€œdoesnā€™t want anyone to perishā€, but what this means in practice is heā€™s waiting (ā€œkindlyā€) for people to repent so that he doesnā€™t destroy them.

        So God loves maximally - or at least the Bible writers think he does - being ā€œOmni lovingā€ in their view is consistent with him neither condemning nor saving people, rather giving them lots of time to repent

        However this is where I said it was inconsistent with God being ā€œall powerfulā€. If God desired all people to come to a certain choice, and had all power at his disposal to achieve it, and all willingness on his part to carry it out, then the best possible case would be made to every individual in the world as to why they should repent.

        But this clearly does not happen

        Therefore the Bible writers are either inconsistent or flat out wrong.

          18 days ago

          I could point out many ā€œinconsistenciesā€ if you like. Jesus is fully man, and fully God. Man is fully responsible for his actions, but,

          A manā€™s heart plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Pro. 16:9

          As to waiting patiently, God has clearly set A DAY when things will end. Itā€™s not infinite patience.

          In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.ā€ Acts 17:30-31

          For inconsistencies, how about this?

          When the Gentiles heard this, they rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord, and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. Acts 13:48


          One of you will say to me, ā€œThen why does God still find fault? For who can resist His will?ā€ But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, ā€œWhy did You make me like this?ā€ Does not the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for special occasions and another for common use? Rom. 9:19-21

          I suppose youā€™re in the same position as Job, you want an audience with God.

            18 days ago

            The Bible is a collection of writings of people wrestling with the idea of a ā€˜goodā€™ interventionist deity despite the innocent of the world still at times experiencing grotesque pain. The words they put in Godā€™s mouth are, of course, inconsistent or just wrong. Scripture never makes the claim itā€™s all error free despite fervently held views to the contrary. But those writings are still interesting in so much as they shed light on the psyche of those present at the start of a hugely influential movement.

            I donā€™t want an audience with ā€œGodā€ same way you havenā€™t given much thought to having an audience with Thor.