So I was recently diagnosed with polycythemia and the doctors words were literally "holy fuck! They didn’t tell you this 7 years ago???

I’m having a very hard time right now because people with this condition are expected to only survive 20 years after the diagnoses. Meaning I have less than 15 years to live. I’ll never see my child graduate high school. I’ll never see them get married. I’ll never get to meet my grandchildren… this sucks. I’m so terrified right now. What am I supposed to tell my wife? What am I supposed to tell my parents? I’m going to die before all of them? How did I upset the universe to deserve this? I’m so scared and I don’t know what to do. L

    20 days ago

    First off, holy shit that fuckin sucks mate. I hate to hear it and hope that the initial shock wears off soon stuff. I love you

    I’ve seen a few people talk about setting up their personal self hosted stuff with triggers for after they die to send the login info to whomever, which is on my radar due to a family history of early onset dementia/Alzheimer’s.

    I watched my father deal with his dad, and now we’re trying to help him deal with his own situation, and I guess I’m hoping my kids are learning good lessons because I already feel like my memory is slipping like crazy even though I’m not even 40 yet.

    I want to record videos like I’ve seen on movies/tv for life lessons that they’re too young to hear all the context for, I want to try and impart any bits of advice in an easily consumable and revisit-able format, for them to still let their kids or grandkids hear my voice and see me talk to them

    When your mind has settled on how exactly you feel about this, certainly let your family know, when comfortable.

    Sorry I don’t have better advice.

    But we’re here to be any kind of sounding board you may need