Prometheus was definitely a disappointment, so I’ve put off watching Covenant because everyone always says it’s worse than Prometheus. I finally watched it tonight, and I thought it was a hell of a lot better. It’s actually a good Alien movie imo.

Spoilers beware:

I enjoyed the synthetic, and I think they did a good job with both of them. I liked most of the crew, especially the lead actress. That relieved smile at the end was too cute. The actual aliens were bad ass too. The fight with the two “kids” was crazy. It’s awesome to finally see aliens do crazy animal attacks. Especially loved the 360 tail attacks. The “it respected me” scene was cool too, that’s such a great idea. They were relentless with their attacks and they just kept coming back.

I know people harp on what’s Dr Shaw being killed between movies, but I think it works fine. Really shows you how evil David’s become. I could have done without the obvious twist at the end, but whatever. Movies gotta movie, I guess.

I don’t know what I’m missing. Do people dismiss the movie without seeing it or something?

    2 months ago

    I really didn’t like how they found an engineer world, but it was just one agrarian city that was overrun and wiped out in a flashback. No discovery, no attempt to understand them, nothing but victims to create a spooky atmosphere.

    David wanted to experiment and perfect his genetic monsters, but the species that created the xenomorphs in the first place? The ones who’s genetic material seeded life on all planets with humanoids? Fuck 'em, unleash the bats.

    And then where did the bats go? After they killed all the animals and bugs on the planet? I suppose they just died, leaving David alone with some eggs, hoping another colony ship would just show up in the middle of uncharted space.

    It was better than Prometheus, but it was still a poorly conceived movie. It was better than Alien 3, but worse than Alien Resurrection. I haven’t seen Romulus yet, but I hear it’s the best one since Aliens.