So if you happen to have made changes to the code, even reloaded and partial-reloaded a bunch of times, none of that matters. Only the actual save. This is unexpected, as “duplicate” is sort of a “save as…” kind of function in my mind.

I recently was working on a bug, and duplicated the generator to narrow it down before reporting. But the bug didn’t happen in the duplicate. Took a lot of testing to figure out why that was.

  • eatham 🇭🇲M
    5 months ago

    That is how duplication works when copying files in an operating system, so it makes sense for it to work like that.

    • TAPgiles@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      Right. But the way it’s presented is not like “select a file, copy, paste.” It’s “click an option from a menu.” As I said, more like “save as.” So intuitively people (or I) think of it working that way, is all.

      And the whole “reload so it saves but doesn’t really save” is mentally confusing too. It feels like a “soft” save that just isn’t public. Which adds to this feel that it’s sorta already saved, and so duplicating it would copy that latest soft-save.

      I mean we can go round and round about this, but I’ve presented what I’m talking about in the post. It’s a request for a change to how it works, so it’s up to the dev to comment really.